December 30, 2012

Loving Gifts

Feel your heart
Feel your soul
Feel the feelings
That are unfolding
The flower bud
Gently opens
In all her glory
Radiating in the sunshine
Glowing in the day
The petals aligned
Gently swaying in the breeze
The flower grows
And flowers
In harmony with the elements
So too are you in harmony
In accord
In alignment
With all the loving gifts
The universe bestows on you
You are ready
To open to new horizons
As your heart opens
And is filled with love
There is a knowing
There is a stirring
There is a gentle unfolding
Of knowing
Of believing
Of recognizing
That all is as it should be
You will not question
Your heart knows
You are in this moment
Of true splendor
When all feels right
And you know the answers
The time is sacred
As you savor the moment
As you live in the present
Love has no boundaries
Love has no limits
Love is open
And not confined
Love is a knowing
Deep in the core
Love is a force
Touching your essence
Awakening your being
Love encompasses all
Love flows
Love is a reawakening
An affirmation
It resounds within
Opening the heart
Opening the soul
Love is eternal

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