July 4, 2012

Step By Step

You are the light – feel yourself basking in the presence.
It is all around, so bright, so full, so vital.  It is all around.
The love is there to sustain you and to send you higher
You are surrounded by light, by love, by beauty
Look around, it is everywhere
You see it with your eyes
You feel it with your senses
You know it is there
Open yourself up – let go and experience the light.
It is there for you to experience always
The tears have been shed and the healing has begun
One piece at a time like a tall building, brick by brick by brick. 
All the pieces together in their own time. 
And so it is with life one layer at a time and then the next. 
The gentle unfolding of the layers will reveal so much to you and all around you. 
Step by step in your own time, at your own pace. 
There is no rush; there is so much time to experience the beauty.
It is ever present, you are ever present.
In the morning light and in the last rays of sunlight, it is there. Every moment, every day, every week. Never missing a beat.
It is always there and yours for the asking.

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