February 15, 2013

Thank Goodness it is Today

TGIF - I love Fridays. Doesn't everyone proclaim that on Fridays? On Mondays so many people complain about all the tasks ahead in the given week. They count the hours until Friday when it is the weekend. They are so focused on Friday that they lose the joy of living and being present on the other days of the week.

I prefer to say Thank Goodness it is Today, every day of the week. Truth be told I love every day. I am grateful for the gift of 24 hours  I am so blessed to be alive and to have the opportunity to live, love and learn for another day.

On my journey through life I have met many people who were not given the opportunity to live another day. People, near and dear to me, have passed away. They do not have the gift of another day. They and their families would be so grateful to have another Monday or Wednesday or any day of the week.

We are not offered any guarantees about how long we will be alive and healthy. Our health can change in a heartbeat. I was healthy (or so I thought), young and a new Mom when I was diagnosed with breast cancer over 18 years ago. Suddenly everything changed for me.  One moment I was healthy and the next I was fighting for my life. Confronting one's mortality, while very scary, makes one appreciate the little things in life and to focus on what is important.

Yes there are many days when I get caught up in the trivial stuff, the things that really don't make a difference, the irritations and minutiae that are part of everyday living. Gently I remind myself how very lucky I am to be alive and well.

So yes - TGIF. I wish you a wonderful weekend, a magnificent Monday, a terrific Tuesday, a worthwhile Wednesday, a thankful Thursday and of course, a fabulous Friday. Embrace each day.

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