June 27, 2012

You deserve a break

Most of us are too busy. We are pulled in a million directions and often don't know what to do first. Our to-do list is too long and our days too short. Most days I do so much, yet at the end of the day I feel as though there was so much I didn't accomplish on my list.
I am learning to look at my "Done" list - to see what I have completed and checked off my list. I feel a greater sense of calm and peace, when I realize all that was completed. I feel more in control when I know there were at least a few things I did right and well. I have learned to be kinder and gentler to myself and pat myself on the back for all the things I do well.

I am working on being more patient and less demanding on myself. I have found the time to take that much needed break and to recognize that everything will get done in its own time.
I deserve a break and so do you.


  1. WOw I really like this post. After watching Eat pray love I have been thinking of the Italians way of thinking the joy of doing nothing. sounds good doesn't it?

    1. Rae - you are my first response on my brand new blog. Thank you. Love the book and the movie - Eat, Pray, Love. This blog went live about five minutes ago and you already found your way here. Welcome. Sounds so great - to do nothing. Yet - I so believe in the moments of doing nothing - we are really doing something. If that makes sense to you?
