January 25, 2013

100 Push Ups

Now for something totally different from me...

There are so many things I want to write. My head is always spinning thoughts and stories. I think about writing something and then instantly another thought pops into my head and I am pulled in another direction. Somehow the thoughts and stories stay buried in the recesses of my mind.

So I will tell a little anecdote about the start of my day and I will try and stick to the story. Recently I started exercising regularly again. I still believe I am in my twenties but my body thinks otherwise. Question - is 53 considered middle-aged nowadays? I mean, I am closer to 100 now than ever before - so I think that qualifies me as middle-aged. Really? My mind does not in the least bit feel that way. I feel young at heart and think in some ways I am still pretty hip. Okay, maybe I am more hippy than hip. Why do our hips grow after 50? I have friends the same age as me, older friends and many younger friends. I never defined anyone by age so I try and not define myself by age.

Back to the start of my day today, involving an exercise routine at bodyprojectbootcamp.com. I stumble into class, still aching from the workout on Wednesday - when we did an insane routine of chest flies, shoulder lifts, bicep pulls and other exercises that are supposed to shape my arms like Michelle Obama's arms. Let's just say it takes my body a few extra days to recover than it used to take when I was younger. So we do our warm up routine, which gets me totally winded and I am gasping for oxygen.

Now it is time for the real routine. We do a fifteen second fast football feet routine followed by two push ups and do this three times. Seems pretty easy I can handle it.  Then we do a couple of kick boxing exercises where I channel my inner boxer. Then back to the fast football feet followed by three push ups for three rounds. So this continues and we are up to six, seven, eight rounds of way too many push ups.

Meanwhile my typical Type A personality is counting the push ups at 91. The routine ends and I mention to the trainer, Lindsay that we just did 91 push-ups. She reprimands me for being a spoiler. I mean, how many people were counting push ups as they did them besides me? But we only did 90 push-ups. Seriously, who wants to say they ONLY did 90 push-ups. So there we were doing the extra 10 push ups.

Guess what? We all did them. Yes we did. So what is the lesson learned here? I would never have believed I was capable of doing 100 push ups. Yet, when broken up into smaller increments it was possible to complete 100. So, it is with life - sometimes we should not focus on the end result and think we will not be able to do it. We need to focus on the small increments and put them into manageable pieces that will take us to our goals.

Now I need to end my story. I need to go  take an epsom salt bath, get the heating pad and ice packs ready.

Inspirational Songs


  1. Great post Karen - glad I was there with you today! Folding laundry was fun today too.

    1. Glad you were there, too. Fun doing 100 puish ups right. My abs were so sore on the weekend. See you soon.

  2. Karen! I love this! You truly captured your inner strength today and you dug deep within you to get that last bit out. Like we talked about today...it's usually just as it gets really difficult, just as we want to give up that if we just push ourselves just a little bit more...something brilliant is about to happen. And it did! Not just the 100 pushups, but the realization that we are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for.
    Cheers to being amazing... :)

    1. Lindsay,
      Now that my abs are feeling better I can respond... Thanks for another great class - loving every minute. See you soon. Missed you today - hope you had a great day

  3. You're awesome!! Love this, thank you
